I have always believed in making the most out of everything in life, especially the products we consume on the daily. I believe that using things should be thought about thoroughly and with purpose. Coming from a country such as the Philippines, where the environment is still very pure, I strive to keep my surroundings clean all the time, no matter where I am due to the respect I have of nature. In terms of body positivity, I used to be comparing myself all the time to other girls until I found the confidence in myself to love my own skin and be proud of what my body is capable of, and not what it looks like.

Location: Bretagne
Instagram: @bmanalang
Height: 154
Waist: 68
Hips: 89
Shoes: 36
Dress Size: 34
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Dark blonde
Beliefs: Low/ Zero waste,Climate conscious,Second hand,Organic,Body positivity